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High school skiers decend upon Hard'ack

For the second year, the ski, snowboarding and sledding hill at Hard'Ack in St. Albans hosted a slalom ski race. Sure, the course is a little short - the best skiers could make the trek in about 20 seconds - but it was techincally difficult and very fan friendly.

I was stunned at how many parents were able to attend and the skiers didn't disappoint. Neither did the weather ... nor did the cheeseburgers and hot dogs. But I digress.

All in all it was a great day to spend outside photographing a sport that has never been included on my Cold Hollow Photo website. Boy did that ever change today. I have 2,150 images from today's event.

I arrived at the end of the boys first run and took 85 photos. (I missed the girls first run, but I made up for it, believe me.)

The girls second run gallery has a shade under 600 photos in it. I took photos of every skier as they came through the flush (look at me talking like a ski bum - actually I just learned that term yesterday from starter Matt Crawford.)

I maintained the same vantage point for the boys second run, the gallery from which has 587 photos - I got a little more judicious with my shots for the boys because I began to run out of memory card space (silly photo boy left his camera bag in the car, but then again I thought maybe I'd take 1,000 photos).

For the girls third run gallery (there are just over 400 photos) take from a bit higher on the course.

I moved to a lower vantage point for the boys third-run gallery (483 photos). I left before the end of the run to start the editing and uploading process - that will likely take about five hours when all is said and done. That said, I'm confident I the guys I missed in the third run are the guys I shot in the first run. Confused, don't be. Just look through each gallery (the photos are posted in the order the skiers came down the hill) and eventually you'll find the skier you are looking for.

If you are interested in ordering photos - here's a link explaining the process, some notes on cropping and a special offer that ends at 11 p.m on Saturday night.

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